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عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2024
ملفات صوت الوحدة 5 كتاب الطالب و كتاب الانشطة كونكت بلس 6.rar
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ملفات صوت الوحدة 5 كتاب الطالب كونكت بلس 6. rar رابط التحميل اسفل الصفحة بعض الروابط حمل كتاب حمل حمل حمل حمل كتب كونكت بلس من1 الى3 حمل كونكت بلس الصف السادس 4 دروس ورد حمل كتاب جميل وهام لكل المدرسين مفيد للطلبة يساعد على تعليم كتابة البرجراف حمل حمل ملفات صوت الوحدة 5 كتاب الطالب كونكت بلس 6.rar ملفات صوت الوحدة 5 كونكت بلس 6كتاب الانشطة.rar
Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 8 Student book
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Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 7 Student book
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Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 6 Student book
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Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 5 Student book
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Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 5. Go explore. Lesson 1.Page 4 Exercise 2 Listen and read the blog Famous navigators Ahmad Ibn Majid Have you heard about Ahmad Ibn Majid? He is the person who made it easier for us to travel on the sea today. Ibn Majid was the first Arab seaman, and he learned how to navigate the seas. "Navigate" means "to find your way around ". Ahmad Ibn Majid lived hundreds of years ago. He was born in 1432, in what is now Oman. As a child, he was fascinated by the sea. He loved to listen to stories about sailing from his father and grandfather, who were great sailors. They also had their own ships. Before Ibn Majid was born, his dad and grandfather sailed the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Ibn Majid wanted to explore the seas and oceans, too. At the young age of seven, he went on his first journey on the sea . Ibn Majid was a very intelligent man and s...
Connect plus. Primary 6. Term 2. Unit 5. Go explore. Lesson 1.Page 4 Exercise 2
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Famous navigators Ahmad Ibn Majid Have you heard about Ahmad Ibn Majid? He is the person who made it easier for us to travel on the sea today. Ibn Majid was the first Arab seaman, and he learned how to navigate the seas. "Navigate" means "to find your way around. " Ahmad Ibn Majid lived hundreds of years ago. He was born in 1432, in what is now Oman. As a child, he was fascinated by the sea. He loved to listen to stories about sailing from his father and grandfather, who were great sailors. They also had their own ships. Before Ibn Majid was born, his dad and grandfather sailed the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Ibn Majid wanted to explore the seas and oceans, too. At the young age of seven, he went on his first journey on the sea . Ibn Majid was a very intelligent man and studied a lot. He learned languages, and learned about math, geography, and astronomy. Astronomy was important because the stars at night helped sailors to find their way. Ibn Majid...
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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Woman 1: Today, we know more about pollution than we used to, and we know how important it is to reducel? it. Scientists are finding new ways to travel and to use fuels. We can also change the things we do - for example, we can walk, cycle or use public transportation instead of (8) using cars. We also need to think about how we can use less plastic. Lots of people are trying to make our world a cleaner place!
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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LESSON 6 PROJECT 1 Read the text. What does the person with the poster get? Make our town a better place! Our town is a great place to live, but what can we do to make the environment here better? Do you want more green spaces to play in, cleaner streets, or less traffic? Make a poster with your ideas. There's a prize for the best idea! 2 Read the task and make notes You are entering the competition. What would you do to make the environment where you live better? Think of what you could change and why it would help. How easy or difficult would it be to make this change? Remember that you have to persuade people that your poster is the best! 14
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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(7) يقلل (8) بدلا من Woman 1: Today, we know more about pollution than we used to, and we know how important it is to reducel? it. Scientists are finding new ways to travel and to use fuels. We can also change the things we do - for example, we can walk, cycle or use public transportation instead of (8) using cars. We also need to think about how we can use less plastic. Lots of people are trying to make our world a cleaner place!
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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00000000000 11 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 01011 000000000010 011010 1101 Read and listen to two speakers. How do they answer these questions? 1 What can our country do to help the environment? 2. What can I do to help the environment? A So, the first question is: What can our country do to help the environment? That's interesting. I think our country can help by using more renewable energy. A B C 1 UNIT C I agree. That would be a good way to use less fossil fuel. I also think it's a good idea to plant more trees and protect the forests we have. 7 1 C 1 C C C 1 L C 1 Yes, you're right. Forests help to protect the environment. 0 1 A 1 0 0 1 1 Yes, we shouldn't drop garbage, but I think the most important thing is to turn off lights and not waste electricity. Work in pairs. Think and role-play B And what can I do to help the environment? Well, I can recycle plastic and not drop garbage. C 6 0 1 1 Think of your answers to the two questions in Exercise 5. • Ask and answer the ...
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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Where are the family? 1 Look, listen and read. LESSON 6 PROJECT 1 Read the text. What does the person with the poster get? Make our town a better place! Our town is a great place to live, but what can we do to make the environment here better? Do you want more green spaces to play in, cleaner streets, or less traffic? Make a poster with your ideas. There's a prize for the best idea! 2 Read the task and make notes You are entering the competition. What would you do to make the environment where you live better? Think of what you could change and why it would help. How easy or difficult would it be to make this change? Remember that you have to persuade people that your poster is the best! 14 1-Today we're with our family. We have lots of cousins! 3- Amir is 13. He's a teenager. He's helping his brother Adam. Adam is building a tower. That's a good boy!
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 2.Exerse 1
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(1) رائع (2) يتلف / يدمر (3) مصانع (4) انبعاثات (5) ثورات بركانية (6) محيطات Woman 2: There are two main types of pollution - air pollution and water pollution. Air pollution is caused by the things that people do, such as driving cars and trucks, or making things in factories(3), When we burn fuels, it makes carbon dioxide emissions(4), Over a long time, this can lead to climate change, because there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Things in the natural world, such as forest fires, or volcanic eruptions(5), can also cause air pollution. Chemicals from factories or farms go into rivers or the sea to cause water pollution. There is also a problem with plastic pollution - there's a lot of plastic garbage in rivers and oceans(6), and this is very bad for the animals that live there.
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7.OUR WORLD. Page4.Exerse 1
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OUR WORLD Listen and read. Write the environments coostol desert mountainous polar rainferast rural urban There are lots of trees, plants, and flowers here. Lots of animals live in these places. For example, there are insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals. It often rains and the temperature is hot. 2 This environment is where the land is next to the sea. In some places there are beaches with sand, and sometimes there are swamps and forests. The Nile Delta is an example, and so is the Red Sea, It is very dry in this environment. The animals and plants that live here have to find clever ways to survive without a lot of water. You can find these environments on every continent, and they can be hot or cold, There aren't many houses or buildings here, so this place often has more animals and plants. Not many people live here, so it is sparsely populated. It can have lots of different kinds of weather, but it's a quiet place to live. There are two of these environments in ...
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The fish and the shark AB One day, Little Fish was swimming with her friends in the wide, blue sea. They were playing games in the coral reef and having fun. They could see their families who weren't far away. Later that day, while they were playing, they saw a dark shadow moving towards them. It was the early afternoon, but suddenly the sea looked dark and frightening. The shadow was the shape of a huge shark with a big mouth and a long, strong tail. Little Fish was very frightened. She looked for her family and she saw her father swimming towards her. "Listen to me everybody," said Father Fish. "Everybody come together, quickly." All the fish swam towards Father Fish. "If we all swim together, we'll look like a big shark. Come together everybody. Now, be brave Little Fish, and swim with me. We'll all swim together towards the shark." As they swam, they made a big shadow in the shape of a shark... a bigger shark! The shark saw this ...
Primary 4. Term 2. Unit 7. Page 8.Exerse 1
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The fish and the shark AB One day, Little Fish was swimming with her friends in the wide, blue sea. They were playing games in the coral reef and having fun. They could see their families who weren't far away. Later that day, while they were playing, they saw a dark shadow moving towards them. It was the early afternoon, but suddenly the sea looked dark and frightening. The shadow was the shape of a huge shark with a big mouth and a long, strong tail. Little Fish was very frightened. She looked for her family and she saw her father swimming towards her. "Listen to me everybody," said Father Fish. "Everybody come together, quickly." All the fish swam towards Father Fish. "If we all swim together, we'll look like a big shark. Come together everybody. Now, be brave Little Fish, and swim with me. We'll all swim together towards the shark." As they swam, they made a big shadow in the shape of a shark... a bigger shark! The shark saw this big shado...
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رسم نادر على النسيج يرجع تاريخه إلى. عصر ما قبل الأسرات ، عثر عليه بمنطقة الجبلين بالوجه القبلى . ويلاحظ أن المجاديف والمجدفين غالبا ما كانت تحذف عند رسم الأشكال على أسطح الأواني والقدور ، ولكنها هنا ظاهرة وواضحة ، كما تظهر أيضا بعض الكبائن على سطح كل قارب . ومن المحتمل أن هذا الرسم يعبر عن رحلة طقسية إلى مكان ديني مقدس ، وذلك إذا كان الشخص الذي يبدو في مقدمة القارب الأعلى يمثل المتوفى . محفوظ حاليا بمتحف تورين . طول النسيج ١٣٤/٦ سم وعرضه ۷۷ سم ...